113 + 1 Surahs or 114 Surahs

A simple mathematical calculation will give us the position of the word
al hadid which is
55 + 25/30 + 1/30.12/28 = exactly 55.847!!!
I’ll explain it a little deeper
The quran is divided in surahs and verses and in each verse there is a certain number of words.
Just a food for thought......
There is a separation between the Quran and the Al-Fatiah
(the commonly considered seven oft-repeated (verses))
And certainly We have given you seven of the oft-repeated (verses) AND the grand Quran.
With this separation between the Quran and the Al-Fatiah in mind,
that would mean Surah Baqarah,
currently, the second Surah should be the first
As Al-Fatiah is an introduction or a disclaimer, sort of a shahada of the Quran. It is not directly an informative discourse but a prayer or supplication.
It is obvious that it is meant to be read formally no matter if you believe in traditional prayers or not.
But is there any evidence to support this theory?
The first is what is mentioned in Baqarah itself when it says “Bisuratin”
2.23 And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant, “then produce a Surah the like thereof” and call upon your witnesses other than Allah, if you should be truthful
This would be the first Surah. (So Surah 1.23 instead of 2.23)
And this would be the 10th Surah
“Or, do they say: He has forged it. Say: Then bring ten forged Surahs like it and call upon whom you can besides Allah, if you are truthful.”
Produce “a Surah” in the first Surah and bring “ten” Surahs in the 10th Surah
There are also other points that support this claim.
Maybe its a coincidence but…….
The first is
The 10 forged ayats appears in 11.13,
the argument is 1+113 Surahs, is it linked?
11.13 and 1+113
Other coincidences (or facts depending on acceptance)
Atomic Mass of Iron
If the above was correct then Al Hadid (the Iron chapter) is the 57th Surah in conventional numbering but actually the 56th chapter.
56 is the mass number (number of protons and neutrons)
of the most common isotope of iron (96%).
Furthermore, the word al Hadid appears in the 26th verse in a surah comprising of 30 verses
26 is the atomic number (number of protons) of iron.
What is more surprising is the relation between the position of the word al hadid and the atomic mass of iron which is 55.847
Al hadid is the 13th word of the 26th verse, a verse that has 28 words.

To understand it well suppose that the quran as composed of 113 boxes (surahs) on top of each other, each box has got a variable number of drawers
(each representing a verse in the surah)
and in each drawer a variable number of sheets of paper
(each representing a word of the verse)
Now if we want to see where is the word al hadid, (not in other 3 places where the word appears in the Quran but for this particular one found) in Surah Al Hadid that by which Allah would distinguish those who would support Him and His messengers in the unseen’,
then we find that it appears in 56:26
and that it is the thirteenth word of this 26th verse comprising of 28 words.
So let’s get back to our boxes drawers and sheets of paper.
If you want to reach the 13th sheet of the 26th drawer of th 56th box, you will have to take out
– 55 boxes to reach the 56th box
– 25 drawers to reach the 26th drawer but remember its only part of a box that contain 30 drawers (30 verses)
so till now, you have taken out (55 + 25/30) box
– and 12 sheets of paper to reach the 13th sheet in a drawer that contains 28 sheets that is 12/28 of a drawer and here a drawer is 1/30 of a box so you will have to remove 12/28*1/30
In total you will have to remove 55 + 25/30 + 12/28*1/30 = 55.847
Hence the atomic mass of iron