Blue = Selected characters name appears
Green = Message from Allah/ Messengers
Gold = Sayings of the selected character
Purple = “Say” (to the believers)
Light Blue = Prophets/believers
Red = Words of disbelievers/those in error
A thick line “____” represents within the same Surah, more references of the selected character.
Mohammed is the messenger of God, and those who are with him are severe against the rejecters, but merciful between themselves. You see them kneeling and prostrating, they seek the blessings and approval of God. Their distinction is in their faces, as a result of prostrating. Such is their example in the Torah. And their example in the Gospel is like a plant which shoots out and becomes strong and thick and it stands straight on its trunk, pleasing to the farmers. That He may enrage the rejecters with them. God promises those among them who believe and do good works
a forgiveness and a great reward.
And when Jesus, son of Mary, said:
O children of Israel, I am a messenger of God to you, authenticating what is between my hands of the Torah
and bringing good news of a messenger to come after me
whose name will be “most acclaimed”. (AHMAD)
But when he showed them the clear proofs,
they said:
This is clearly magic