The Muslim Gospel

The New Testament (Bible) is not, nor has it ever been considered the word of God,
or the Injeel mentioned in the Quran.

The New Testament is the Gospel ACCORDING to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John and the apparent actions and sayings they witnessed of a prophet. This is known as HADITHS.
The Quran is talking about the actual Injeel (Gospel) that exists within its own pages and not the hadiths of men. It is not a separate book.
When Quran mentions Torah or Injeel, it continually reiterates that these books are "Bayna Yadahyi". The correct literal translation of the idiomatic expression of "bayna yadayhi" is
"between its / his hands"
Most translators (due to outside influence) translate this expression to mean "what went before it".
QURAN 5:46
“ And in their footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the Torah between his hands (bayna yadayhi) : We sent him the Gospel: therein was guidance and light, and confirmation of the Torah that (was) between his hands : a guidance and an admonition to those who fear God”
QURAN 61:6
“And when Jesus son of Mary said: O Children of Israel! Lo! I am the messenger of God unto you, confirming what is between my hands (bayna yadayya) of the Torah, and bringing good tidings of a messenger who comes after me, whose name is the Praised One. Yet when he has come unto them with clear proofs, they say: This is mere magic”
The Injeel and Torah are not separate books but within the Quran
The Muslim Gospel is within the Quran. It is the Gospel of Yahya, the BAPTIST, the son of Zackeriya.
The Biblical version is ANOTHER John (Yahya). The Gospel of John in the new testament is John the APOSTLE, and the son of Zabadee.
Not the same person

Due to the similarities between the Gospel of Matthew and Mark, many agree they must have copied from another piece of literature. The plagiarised book is known as the "Q Source" and I believe it is the book Yahya was commanded to record.
Allah selects Yahya alone to write the book, not the disciples.
Allah mentions Yahya as a noble character and the only worthy of such a task. On the contrary, the disciples are not given such a positive light in the Quran.
In 3:52 Isa perceived from them disbelief and ask them to make a proclamation and in 3:54 it says about the disciples
"And they schemed, and Allah planned.
And Allah (is the) best (of) the planners.”
Also in 5:111-114 the inspiration of the disciples are mentioned and this time Isa asks for a table spread.
The response of Allah to the disciples for this request again doesn’t have a positive conation and Allah condemns them for misguiding with their words.
5:115 Allah said, "Indeed I (will) send it down to you, then whoever disbelieves after (that) among you, then indeed I [I] will punish him (with) a punishment not I have punished anyone among the worlds.”
In fact from 5:116-119 continues to tell us how Isa will defend himself from their (the disciples) writings on that day.
THE NEW TESTAMENT = Disciple's books that Isa will defend himself against on that day.
Another reason why The New Testament can't be the Injeel that Allah mentions is because of its corruption.
Allah says he protects his word and this is applicable to any revelation he sends.
Quran 15:9 Absolutely, we have revealed the reminder, and, absolutely, we will preserve it.
The Injeel of Yahya within the Quran is protected, whereas the Biblical canon's are obviously corrupted.
The Muslim Gospel's content can clearly be seen by reading Surah 19, Surah Mariyam.
Surah 19.1-11
i.e 19.7 "O Zakariya! surely We give you good news of a boy whose name shall be Yahya: We have not made before anyone his equal."
-is how Yahya came to be.
Surah 19.12
"O Yahya! take hold of the Book with strength, and We granted him wisdom while yet a child"
-Is directly speaking to Yahya
Surah 19.13-15
In 19.13-14 The traits he possessed were tenderness, purity, guarded (against evil), dutiful, not insolent or disobedient.
-is a character reference of Yahya
Surah 19.16
"And mention Marium in the book...."
-is directly speaking to Yahya
Surah 19.39
"And warn them of a day of intense regret...."
-is still directly speaking toYahya,
"And mention Ibrahim in the Book......"
-is still directly speaking to Yahya,
" And mention Musa in the Book......"
-is still directly speaking to Yahya,
" And mention Ismail in the Book......"
-is still directly speaking to Yahya,
"And mention Idris in the Book......"
-is still directly speaking to Yahya,
You can even argue that as far as
Surah 19.97
"we have only made it easy in your tongue that you may give good news"
-is still directly speaking to Yahya.
The common theme throughout the whole Surah is Yahya and the Gospel which he delivered by the will of Allah, NOT the disciple's New Testament which is condemned.